《中英對照讀新聞》First ladies and the art of discretion 第一夫人與謹慎的藝術


A gaffe by France’s first lady has exposed the difficult tightrope that presidential spouses have to walk as they kiss goodbye to their private lives and follow their partners into the public glare.


A tweet by Valerie Trierweiler wishing luck to an election opponent of Segolene Royal -- the ex-partner of her companion and the new President Francois Hollande -- has unleashed a political furor, with even the prime minister suggesting she needs to learn discretion.


Wives and husbands are often viewed with suspicion as they move into the presidential residence, amid deep-seatedr fears that they will hold greater sway over their spouse than his advisors or even the people who elected him.


Remarks by Bill Clinton during the 1992 Democratic primaries that if elected his smart lawyer wife, Hillary, would mean the country would get "two for the price of one" had many opponents and some supporters squirming.


The ill-disguised suspicions around her own political ambitions and concern at the power she was wielding behind the scenes plagued her as soon as the couple entered the White House in January 1993. (AFP)



walk a tightrope:片語,指處境非常危險,必須小心翼翼、如履薄冰,如Many manufacturers have to walk a tightrope between overpricing their goods and pricing them so low that they make no profit.(許多製造商必須在把商品價格訂得過高,以及價格低到無利可圖之間謹慎考量。)

deep-seated:形容詞,指根深柢固的、最深層的,如The problems are far more deep-seated than we thought.(這些問題比我們原本預期的更難消除。)

hold sway:指對某事有控制權或擁有強大影響力,如The ancient Romans held sway over most of Europe.(古羅馬人曾控制了歐洲大部分地區。)



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