《中英對照讀新聞》 Tough EU stance? It’s in Germany’s culture 強硬的歐盟立場?這都是源於德國文化


Head to the checkout at an Ikea in Stockholm to pay for your new leather corner sofa and with the swipe of a Visa card it’s yours. Don’t try that in Berlin -- that’ll be(euro)1,699 up front please.


It’s that financial culture -- a deep-seated aversion to debt and an emphasis on responsibility -- that makes Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hardline approach to solving the European financial crisis so popular in Germany.


The attitude shows up in all walks of life, from the daily trip to the grocery store to putting a roof over your head.


The economy is so reliant on cash for transactions small and big, a way to ensure you don’t spend more than you have, that Germany pushed hard for the(euro)500 note to replace its popular 1,000 mark bill when it joined the common currency.


Around the world Merkel has been derided as intransigent in her approach to the financial crisis, demanding budget cuts and fiscal austerity from allegedly profligate EU members. But her hardline stand plays well among the people who elected her.


A new poll for Stern magazine shows 64 percent of Germans think the chancellor should stick to her guns, while only 32 percent think she should reconsider her insistence on austerity.(AP)



a roof over one’s head:指住的地方,容身之處,例句:We don’t have much money, but at least we have a roof over our heads.(我們雖然沒什麼錢,但至少有個棲身之地。)

intransigent:形容詞,指不肯妥協的,堅持己見的,例句:Unions claim that the management continues to maintain an intransigent position.(工會指稱資方持續堅持絕不妥協的立場。)

stick to one’s guns:片語,指堅持信念、或維護自身權益,例句:Despite harsh criticism, she’s sticking to her guns on this issue.(儘管面對嚴苛批評,她仍然在此議題上堅守立場。)



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