
去年的10月5日 (美國時間),正是蘋果iPhone 4S發表的第二天,蘋果官方也證實前任執行長Steve Jobs因胰臟癌辭世,而在經過一年後,蘋果也在稍早於官方網站釋出記錄短片,用以紀念這位為世間帶來各式蘋果風華的傳奇人物。

當先前的隨身播放器無不以蘋果iPod作為競爭對手,而目前多數電腦廠商所推行輕薄筆電也以MacBook Air輕薄作為主要指標,同時也因為iPhone的問世而再次影響智慧型手機市場發展,蘋果在前任執行長Steve Jobs帶領下,憑恃本身對美學與科技的執著、堅持,同時也以不同思維創造出各式不凡的蘋果產品,進而一再地影響科技業界市場發展。

在去年於iPhone 4S發表後的隔天,蘋果官方證實Steve Jobs因胰臟癌辭世的消息,而在時間滿一週年的今天,蘋果官方製作了一支記錄短片,其中收錄Steve Jobs任內發表最具代表性的首款Macintosh、MacBook Air、iMac、iPod與iPhone,以及當時Steve Jobs所闡述的蘋果精神。而現任執行長Tim Cook也藉由蘋果官方透露個人感詞,表示Steve Jobs帶給世間最好的禮物,就是蘋果這間充滿創造力,同時自我要求甚高的一家公司,同時也透露未來蘋果的企業價值觀,都將融入Steve Jobs精神作為發展基礎。

以下為Tim Cook於蘋果官方網站所公開感言:

A message from Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO.

Steve’s passing one year ago today was a sad and difficult time for all of us. I hope that today everyone will reflect on his extraordinary life and the many ways he made the world a better place.

One of the greatest gifts Steve gave to the world is Apple. No company has ever inspired such creativity or set such high standards for itself. Our values originated from Steve and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We share the great privilege and responsibility of carrying his legacy into the future.

I’m incredibly proud of the work we are doing, delivering products that our customers love and dreaming up new ones that will delight them down the road. It’s a wonderful tribute to Steve’s memory and everything he stood for.

- Tim



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