中英對照讀新聞 - US social media account in China disappears 美國位於中國境內的社交媒體帳號消失

A widely read microblog written by the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai and known for its sometimes tongue-in-cheek comments about China’s social and political issues was recently inaccessible.


Sina Weibo, China’s most popular microblog site that hosts the consulate’s account, said it could be a technical glitch, an explanation the company has given in the past in cases where censorship was at work.


The Shanghai account had more than 80,000 followers. It has in the past touched on topics the government considers sensitive. On June 4, the 23rd anniversary of the student movement on Tiananmen Square, when online censorship kicked into high gear for the taboo topic, the Shanghai consulate’s blog remarked that history could not be discussed that day.


U.S. diplomats have boosted their public diplomacy through social media. The U.S. government has an active presence on Chinese social media sites; many U.S. officials in China have individual Weibo pages, and the embassy in Beijing and consulate departments update their own sites with remarks by American officials, press releases and videos.


And the U.S. consulates in Shanghai and Hong Kong have stood out for their use of playful language filled with trendy online expressions by Chinese web users to chime in on hot social and political topics in China.



inaccessible:形容詞,指難以達到的、難以進入的,如Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.(汽車無法通行至位於山坡旁的部分房舍。)

into high gear:片語,指(車輛等機器)達到最高速,或指某項活動的最高潮,常接在move、kick或get 等動詞後,如Fuel prices are expected to rise as the summer travel season kicks/moves into high gear.(預料燃料價格會在夏季旅遊季達到最高峰時開始上漲。)

chime in:動詞片語,指中途插話、發表評論,如Everyone at the table began to chime in with their own ideas.(餐桌上的每個人都開始發表自己的意見。)


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    正妹天地 - 月牙兒的故鄉

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