《中英對照讀新聞》Olympic mascots made for Locog in Chinese ’sweatshop’ factories 倫敦奧運組織委員會的奧運吉祥物 來自中國血汗工廠


Staff making Wenlock and Mandeville toys say they were paid as little as £6 a day and forced to work illegal overtime hours.


Activists in China spoke to dozens of factory workers and discovered staff were forced to work up to 120 hours overtime a month, nearly three times the legal limit. At one factory, staff had to buy their own and were fined half a day’s salary if they were five minutes late to work.


The report has been issued by Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (Sacom), a Hong Kong workers’ rights group. Sacom also says staff were exposed to hazardous conditions in the paint spraying department. Some of the 50 workers interviewed said they left the factory constantly covered in paint and even their saliva had changed colour.


During the busiest period of production for the Olympics, staff worked six day weeks for 11 to 12 hours a day, clocking up 120 hours a month in overtime – despite Chinese labour laws stating overtime should be no longer than 36 hours a month.



sweatshop:名詞,血汗工廠。例句:They also run a sweatshop filled with waifs from the local orphanage.(他們也經營一家血汗工廠,裡面都是當地孤兒院的流浪兒。)

hazardous:形容詞,危險的。例句:Throw away bottles that have contained pesticides, herbicides, motor oil and other hazardous materials.(請將裝有殺蟲劑、除草劑、機油,以及其他有毒物質的罐子丟棄。)

clock up:片語,達到。例句: This car has clocked up 80000 miles.(這輛車的里程數已達到8萬英里。)



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