《中英對照讀新聞》Most say Bush to blame for weak U.S. economy 多數人說美國經濟衰弱應怪布希 …詳全文

◎ 魏國金

About two-thirds of Americans believe Republican former U.S. President George W. Bush is responsible for the nation’s struggling economy, with a smaller percentage blaming Democratic President Barack Obama, a Gallup poll showed.


About 68 percent of the more than 1,000 adults surveyed nationwide said Bush, who left office in January 2009, deserves a "moderate amount" or a "great deal" of the blame for the U.S. economic woes compared to 52 percent who pointed to his successor Obama, the poll found.


Poll respondents who identified themselves as Republicans were split, with 49 percent saying Bush deserved a moderate amount or great deal of the blame while 51 percent said Bush deserved not much of the blame or none at all, the poll found.


Among Democrats, 90 percent blamed Bush for the weak economy and only 19 percent said Obama should carry much of the blame, according to the poll, conducted by telephone June 7 to 10.


Independent voters, who could play a critical role in the November election, were more likely to blame Bush(67 percent)than Obama(51 percent).


"Americans continue to place more blame for the nation’s economic problems on George W. Bush than on Barack Obama, even though Bush left office more than three years ago," Gallup said."... This suggests that Obama’s argument that he is on the right track and needs more time to turn the economy around could fall on receptive ears, particularly those of independents."(Reuters)



to blame for︰該受責備的、應承擔責任的。例句︰The greed of

Wall Street is partially to blame for global economic crisis.(華爾街的貪婪應對全球經濟危機負有部分責任。)

be on the right track︰正確的、循著正確的路線。例句︰Our success in the opinion polls proves we’re on the right track.(我們在民調上的勝利證明我們是對的。)

fall on…ears︰獲得(某種態度的)聽取。例句︰The proposal fell on skeptical ears.(人們對該提議持懷疑態度。)



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