【English translation: Lin Fu-ju;Photo by Hou Ya-ting】

The Perspectives of International Student Dunia Lealtobar

Guatemalan international student Dunia Lealtobar, is new to Kaohsiung and has just finished her first year of National Sun Yat-sen's IMBA program. She is also currently studying Chinese and believes it is one of the world's most important languages. She describes the reason she came to study in Taiwan was due to its good level of education, economic prosperity and respectful people. She admits she was amazed at how well-developed Kaohsiung's transportation systems and infrastructure were. She observed how symbolic the ocean and harbor were to Kaohsiung as they are connecting the city with the rest of the world. She also mentioned she was enjoying the weather in Taiwan.

This year Dunia Lealtobar, and her twenty-two classmates from eight countries, practiced for two and a half months and participated in Kaohsiung City Government's Dragon Boat Races. As the first paddler, Lealtobar felt the friendship and team spirit was the best part of the practices. She considered they had entrusted her with an important position; as first paddler, she doesn't have to be strong; but during races, she must maintain an steady speed.

Although Taiwan is only a third of the size of Guatemala, she feels Guatemalans are warmer and happier. They usually great each other with big hugs; one of the things she misses most about home. She also admits she has struggled with cultural difference. However, she has been truly touched by the sincere friendship extended to her by her classmates. The university has also assigned two Taiwanese students to assist her with daily living and have become her two best friends in Taiwan.

Lealtobar recalls when she first arrived in Taiwan, it took her a while to acclimatize to the time difference. Because of culinary differences, She found it hard for her to find dishes that she was used to. She has since come to love Ma Jiang Noodles and Milk Tea. Despite her struggles, she encourages people who come to live in Kaohsiung, to learn Chinese and embrace the local culture.



正值端午節前一天,典型的仲夏日午後,愛河畔聚集練習龍舟的選手,耳邊不斷傳來選手們練習聲。瓜地馬拉籍的杜亦嵐Dunia Lealtobar扎個馬尾,元氣十足、一身俐落地現身愛河畔。Dunia就讀於中山大學高階經營碩士班(EMBA),這是她在高雄的第一年,與來自8個國家、22位同學組團參加高雄市政府舉辦的龍舟賽,Dunia談起練習龍舟2個半月期間,與隊友建立起良好的友誼和團隊精神是這次比賽最寶貴的收獲,擔任龍船隊第一划手的Dunia 有種被信賴的感覺,她說第一划手不必很強壯,但在行進間要保持穩定的速度、不能停頓。






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